Similar to another artist I researched, Amy Sol tends to paint on wood panel, as the grain of the wood helps her to get a feel for a piece she's about to paint. Her work mostly consists of muted, pastel colors, and beautifully expressive forms and patterns. Her subject matter revolves around young women and animals in surreal environments.

You can definitely see in the above painting how she allows the grain of the wood to show, which looks lovely with her artwork.
Her paintings look so magical and innocent. I could see a parent hanging them in their child's bedroom. I really enjoy seeing paintings that don't need to employ explicit subject matter in order to make an impact. Not that I mind either way, it's just very refreshing.
I think I'd like to try to be more deliberate and neat with my artwork after seeing hers. I can be a bit messy and all over the place at times. You can tell that she must have spent a good deal of time and effort painting these.
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