Although it may not be traditionally considered artwork, I am often impressed by a well done film. One movie that springs to mind is "Samsara" directed by Ron Fricke. It is a non-narrative documentary exploring the magnificence and beauty of the world. It was filmed in 25 different countries over the course of five years. It shows a huge variety of cultures, traditions, and environments and presents them in a completely unbiased way. Without any sort of dialogue, the viewer comes to their own conclusions about the content of the film. I had never really seen a movie quite like it and it was a very spiritual experience for me. It caused me to wonder about both the beauty and destruction in the world and how there can't be positives without negatives. Just the fact that this movie could make me think about such deep concepts and questions impressed me immensely.
I think these are qualities that make an artwork impressive:
-Depth (in meaning)
-Well thought out presentation
-Hidden elements/aspects
-Personal content